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Kurlon Enterprises Ltd

Company Profile

Kurlon’s journey is a fine lesson in entrepreneurship. During a visit to Germany Ramesh Pai discovered that high-end motor car seats used rubberized coconut-coir fibre manufactured from Sri Lankan base material. He knew that India was one of the largest producers of coconut in the world and so he rightly assumed there was a new business to be pioneered. Charged with this thought he returned home to start his journey of discovering how best he could take advantage of the coir husk India produced. He found that coconut coir was being used only by the cottage industry to manufacture retted fabric. From here his idea took shape and become the predecessor to Kurlon – Karnataka Consumer Products Limited – was formed in 1962.


He brought in Austrian technology to extract fibre from the husk and curl it into ropes. A slew of opportunities opened up upon this craft. Rather than restrict himself to mattresses he also developed an ancillary range of products such as cushions and mats. In 2004 it ventured beyond providing just a better sleep experience and extended its product range into the home comfort segment.


Kurlon Today

The company has evolved and now manufactures mattresses in 126 different configurations. Pan-India they have partnered with a dealer network comprising more than 7000 dealers 70 branch and stock points and 9 strategically located manufacturing facilities across Karnataka Orissa Madhya Pradesh Uttaranchal and Gujarat. With state-of-the-art technology these factors will continue to improve the level of standards in the mattress industry and serve the growing Indian population.



Behind the triumphs at Kurlon over the years there has been a series of awards accolades and recognition the brand has received. These awards include the acknowledgment of its stellar role from institutions like the Coir Board Reader’s Digest the National Safety Council and several other distinctions. For the past sixteen years Kurlon has won the Coir Board of India’s awards for Outstanding Performance in Export of Rubberized Coir Products the Development of the Domestic Market for Rubberized Coir and the award for being consistently the country’s largest manufacturer. In 2014 the company bagged the ShreshthaSuraksha Puraskar award from the National Safety Council of India in recognition of developing and implementing highly effective management systems and procedures and achieving outstanding performance in occupational health and safety.


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Indore, Madhya Pradesh

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